
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Neutropenia Specialist?

Hi there,

Today, I saw a doctor that looks at the over-all health of an individual and makes sure that everything that can be done has been-and every test that could be done, has been done as well. The doctor was nice and seemed to understand Neutropenia. Expert? No. Actually, he didn't even consider himself an expert either. Probably helped me like him. I think the experts are those that deal with Neutropenia every day (not the Hematologists that have 'heard' about it :).... ).

We discussed a person's overall health: food/nutrition, vitamins, exercise, sleep, mood, alternatives-like acupuncture, and spiritual needs. He said there is good news and bad news. The good news is-you are doing every thing you can to stay healthy and to limit infection. The bad news-is you are doing every thing you can do. sigh. (As I have stated before-I try really hard to eat well-I am a vegetarian, just feel better when I eat that way; exercise; sleep; meditate; yoga; hot baths; acupuncture.) We did discuss my recent sadness about the condition affecting my daily living more and more lately.

However, he did bring up a blood test that I have not had done before. It tests the Immunoglobulins within the blood to see if they have malfunctioned in some way that has affected the Neutrophils. He thought there may be a 10% chance they could find something. Now, I realize that means there is a 90% chance they will not find anything and that is most likely what will occur. But hey-it's something to check.

He said if that does come back normal, we can look into nutritional issues-perhaps an allergy to soy, corn, or something else? I have taken myself off dairy before and gluten as well-but didn't make any difference. I have also had the gluten allergy testing-and that was negative.

Anyway, I wanted to keep you posted about the 'specialist' I saw today.

The bone pain/fever was up yesterday. I was scheduled to work a long day so, it made it tough to get through the day. Today was a little better-a little more fatigued this evening, but plan to go rest soon.

Thanks for reading/listening. Have a good night.

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