
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Neutropenia Specialist?

Hi there,

Today, I saw a doctor that looks at the over-all health of an individual and makes sure that everything that can be done has been-and every test that could be done, has been done as well. The doctor was nice and seemed to understand Neutropenia. Expert? No. Actually, he didn't even consider himself an expert either. Probably helped me like him. I think the experts are those that deal with Neutropenia every day (not the Hematologists that have 'heard' about it :).... ).

We discussed a person's overall health: food/nutrition, vitamins, exercise, sleep, mood, alternatives-like acupuncture, and spiritual needs. He said there is good news and bad news. The good news is-you are doing every thing you can to stay healthy and to limit infection. The bad news-is you are doing every thing you can do. sigh. (As I have stated before-I try really hard to eat well-I am a vegetarian, just feel better when I eat that way; exercise; sleep; meditate; yoga; hot baths; acupuncture.) We did discuss my recent sadness about the condition affecting my daily living more and more lately.

However, he did bring up a blood test that I have not had done before. It tests the Immunoglobulins within the blood to see if they have malfunctioned in some way that has affected the Neutrophils. He thought there may be a 10% chance they could find something. Now, I realize that means there is a 90% chance they will not find anything and that is most likely what will occur. But hey-it's something to check.

He said if that does come back normal, we can look into nutritional issues-perhaps an allergy to soy, corn, or something else? I have taken myself off dairy before and gluten as well-but didn't make any difference. I have also had the gluten allergy testing-and that was negative.

Anyway, I wanted to keep you posted about the 'specialist' I saw today.

The bone pain/fever was up yesterday. I was scheduled to work a long day so, it made it tough to get through the day. Today was a little better-a little more fatigued this evening, but plan to go rest soon.

Thanks for reading/listening. Have a good night.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 26, 2011

Hi there,

Sorry it's been awhile since I have written.

Since I wrote on June 4th, I have only had 1 acupuncture appointment. Although, I have continued the herbal remedy-continue to add to my protein shakes each day. My fevers had continued each day, fluctuating between 99.2 and 99.8; not enought to see the doctor, but enough to make you feel like crap.

My bone pain has continued but, most days, I am used to it. But there are some days where it has been bad-pain meds don't even help. This past Friday, was one of those days-tried to sit still, tried to stretch, use heat, meds, and nothing helped. Saturday was better.

On another note, I have started running. I used to run and figured these symptoms aren't going anywhere. So far, so good. We'll see how it goes. I will keep you posted.

This week, I see a Specilist about the Neutropenia. Not really sure if they are a 'specialist' regarding the Neutropenia-but I think it's more about the management of the symptoms. So, I'll keep you posted about that too.

Hope you are all doing well. Take care.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 4, 2011

Hi everyone,

I hope you are doing well. I have been taking the herbal supplement for a couple weeks now. I have added a small spoonful of the powder to my homemade protein drinks so that I cannot taste it. The herbal powder does not smell bad-it smells like a grain-but it tastes terrible if you just mix it with water. Blak! :) Anyway, I cannot taste it in the protein drink so that's where I take it.

It's been about 3 weeks of taking the herbal powder and to be honest, I have felt better the last three weeks over all. Don't get me wrong, I have my bad days or evenings-but for the most part, my energy level has stayed about a 6-7, on a scale of 1-10, over the past several weeks. Yesterday, it did start to fall a little, to maybe a 5-and I am not feeling the best today. But, I haven't felt a 7 for that many days in a row for months-so, I'll take it! :)

I have done other things here and there-and so that could be helping too. I don't want to think it's all the herbs-because as much as I want to like Eastern Medicine/remedies-I am still a skeptic (I wanted to be a family medical doctor before I knew where this condition would take me). But, I do think there is a place for both western medicine as well as alternative.

Anyway, I have stopped drinking Diet Coke (which I loved and was addicted to/yes, I miss it), still exercise but I am better about taking days off when I need to and not over-doing it, making sure I eat enough protein (I am a vegetarian, so it can be difficult), getting enough sleep, yoga/deep breathing, and relaxing at night rather than working (yes, I did this often in the recent past).

So, I assume it's all having a positive affect on my body/immune system.

Last night, I started to feel overly fatigued and my bones hurt more than they have in three weeks. I also have a headache/jaw pain-I hate those! It's beautiful outside today and I hope to get in the gardens-but will not try to do overdo it.

Stay healthy everyone! Enjoy your weekend,
