
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Still feeling better....

Hi everyone,

Thanks for reading my blog posts. Just wanted to update you: I continue to feel better. I have not felt the overall weakness and fatigue; no sore throat; no mouth sores; no lung pain; no bone pain in arms/legs. I have had pain in my hands like before-probably like mild arthritis. And, my temp on Monday was 99.0. That's it! YAHOO!! What is going on? Before, I had fevers everyday between 99.4 and 100.

I am starting to get excited-but still am worried it will not last. My friend's funeral is Friday so I guess we will see in a couple weeks if I was just numb and all the symptoms come back.

Today, I played football with my son after dinner! And, I have been able to run and swim-and I haven't felt sluggish afterwards.

My vitamins came from a health place-better quality vitamins. I never thought there would be such a difference. Sad they can sell the cheaper ones. Try chaning to better vitamins to see if it helps you alleviate some symptoms.

Take care. Thanks again for reading.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Feeling better???

Hi there,

There is good news and bad news to the title: Feeling better???

Do I feel better this past week? Yes. My energy is a 7 on a scale of 1-10. It's been so long since that has been felt this much energy several days in a row! I have not had a sore throat and have only felt bone pain in my hands (perhaps it's arthritis from the pain/inflammation)-not my arms, legs or elsewhere! And, I have not checked my temp! I know, I should be ecstatic! However, a friend recently passed away and has left me very sad emotionally. Perhaps I am physically numb? I am not sure what to think-I do feel guilty for feeling this good-but you know, my friend would be so VERY HAPPY! My friend was aware of the test results they found and was so happy that something was found and that perhaps it would take care of my symptoms. I am so glad my friend knew. It was our last conversation :( So, I know I should not feel guilty.

I guess we will see if the new 'vitamins' really have helped. Usually, my body crashes after days like this-so we'll see how long it lasts. I have started a journal about my energy level, bone pain, temp, etc. Thanks to another friend for suggesting it!

Physically, I was able to swim the best I have in a couple years! And today, I ran, gardened, and took a walk with my daughter.

Thanks for listening. I will keep you posted.
Take care and live life!


Response to Message

Hello to Anonymous,

I am sorry to hear that you were recently diagnosed with Idiopathic Neutropenia. I do hope you are able to find some medications, therapies, or management that can assist you in feeling healthy. I am glad you find my blog helpful. That was my hope in starting it. May you find peace.

Please feel free to write anytime.
Thanks for your message.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Test Results

Here are all the results from my test:
Hi everyone,

I saw the specialist late this week regarding the results of the “NutraEval” tests. This test checked all the vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals in my body and blood. They wanted to check to see if there were any deficiencies that could be causing problems within my immune system or body. This test did not check the blood work that is normally checked when I have blood tests.

The main issue they found! I am severely deficient in the mineral “molybdenum”. I have never actually heard of it! This deficiency can cause mouth sores and an increase in infections. MMmmmmm….. get those!

I have not been using the best quality vitamins. So, switching to better quality vitamins was priority.

Some other issues that are not a big deal: I am low on the B-vitamins & Magnesuim. He was not surprised since I am a vegetarian and most of the B vitamins are found in meat; and, the fact that the vitamins are not the best-I am not absorbing the most I can. He thinks with the better vitamins that this will take care of itself.

I am also low on Ammonia-from protein deficiency. Lysine & Anserine is also low and is usually found in meat proteins. So, I need to increase my protein and decrease my carbs (no surprise there). It’s fine that I get my protein from powder and beans/legumes-and not meat. I can stay a vegetarian and it will still work for my health.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids: The test could tell I was taking flax seed but my body was not completing the transformation of omega three/six processes. I am not getting enough DHA in my fish oil pills. It actually showed ‘abnormal omega-oxidation’. Individuals with this issue often present with lethargy and fatigue. MMMmmmm… again!

So, I purchased good multi-vitamins and good fish oil capsules with DHA in them. I am to take 2 multi-vitamins & 2 Fish Oil pills for the first month and then one capsule of each/day after that.

The doctor is hopeful that taking the above will help alleviate my symptoms of fatigue and weakness. He said it won’t take care of the neutropenia that I have had forever-but it may raise my counts a little (try not to get my hopes up-but I still cannot believe that they found anything-and look at all this!

The Great news: he said he has only done about 200 of these tests for patients-and he could ACTUALLY TELL that I EAT REALLY WELL! Top people! Yahoo!! It does work! All the other vitamins and minerals were excellent!! A, C, E, Antioxidants, etc. 

So, I will take the ‘good’ vitamins/fish oil for now. I will increase my protein/decrease my carbs. And, we will see how it goes! He said the next thing to do is to add the Lysine.

My next appt is at the end of October (with my regular doctor) and they will see how I am doing then and where my counts are.

But, that is the information they found from the test.

I felt wonderful the last two days-but the bone pain/fatigue is setting in again today, so I assume it was the adrenaline from the test results. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that none of this will cure the neutropenia. I wasn't looking for that-but that would be nice, huh! :) I guess it just gave me some hope that there could be a reason my symptoms took a bad turn these last couple years. I guess we will see. As usual, I will keep you posted.

Have a great night everyone!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August 2, 2011

Hi there,

I had an acupuncture appointment today. Felt great.
Relaxing and felt energized afterwards. Perhaps it is helping!

I have one week until I hear back about the immunoglobulin tests. I am sure they won't find anything new-but at least we can rule out everything! There are some nutritional things they can do-but we'll see.

Bone pain my my hands has been significant lately-perhaps that is becoming arthritis or something? Bone pain in my arms and legs too. Most of the time, it starts out mild to moderate in the morning and intensifies as the day goes on to moderate to severe. I still get shooting pains through the legs-that is really intense but hasn't been lasting long. 30 seconds at the most.

Hope you are all doing well. Take care of yourselves.