
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 25, 2012

Hi there,

Just a quick update. With the exception of one day (this past Sunday), I have still been feeling good. No sore throats, lung pain, etc. Still have the bone pain from the Neutropenia (not from injections for those that know about Neupogen or GCSF; I do not take GCSF regularly-only for emergencies). I still have pain medications for the bone pain, which I take. My energy levels have been pretty good too. Still exercising regularly and trying to get enough sleep.

On Sunday, I was really tired and weak. Just pure exhaustion. But, nothing else. And, the fact that I bounced back in one day is exciting! That usually doesn't happen!

Hope you are doing well. Have a great day everyone.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Feeling good......continues

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone has been keeping up with their resolutions! Make sure to tell someone your goal-it will increase the odds of making it stick!

Well, I continue to feel better. (Knock on wood) I am still eating well, exercising, and trying to take care of myself by resting when needed, taking vitamins, and not giving up on aspirations (some new ones; trying not to dwell on past ones in case they do not happen). I am also taking the herbs that I received-I mix the powder in protein shakes so, that may be helping me to feel good as well.

No sore throats, fevers, lung pain. I have had minimal to moderate bone pain and I am down to 2 pain pills a day! Yeah! I was taking 3 in the late fall.

In all honesty, I am waiting for the 'shoe to fall' should I say. Meaning, this won't last and I will start to decline....again. (insert sad face). I felt good last fall and then declined-so part of me feels it will occur again. I guess time will tell. The other part of me is angry with myself for giving up on the herbs and not caring about what I ate-because I can tell it does make a difference. Perhaps I was getting sick this past fall and thought it was 'just the Neutropenia' and so gave up.

Well, I am going to try to not do that anymore! I need to think positively! And think that I will continue to feel good. I realize that the neutropenia will always be there-and I will get sick from time to time but I am trying not to dwell on it. I have dreams and aspirations that I want to achieve-and I AM WORTH IT! Ya, I said it :)

Thanks again for reading. Have a great night, day, week!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Eating Well....Exercise.....Energy...

Hello again everyone,

Hope your 2012 is off to a good start.

I totally made up the 3 E's as I wrote this! he he!
I have continued to feel well. I have started logging the food I eat this year to make sure that I am within the limits of fiber and saturated fat (my cholesterol was a little high, so just watching what I eat). I have cut way down on cheese. :( I love cheese-but wow, it does have a lot of saturated fat in it. And, with all the fruits and vegetables I have been eating every day & the good grains-I surpass the daily recommended fiber. So, that's good! Trying to eliminate most of the bad starches and limit sugar. With doing all those things-my calorie intake and percentages of fat, carbs, and protein has been good! (protein could be a little higher-but I try!) Hard to do when you are a vegetarian. I have a protein shake almost daily-that's where I had the powdered herbs. And, I am learning to make more recipes with beans and lentils! So many good recipes out there!

I have continued exercising. I am using the elliptical probably 3-4 times a week and also doing some exercise on our xbox (Your Shape). It really works your muscles and gives you a great workout. I have stayed away from the gym for a couple weeks due to the increase in the number of people that go at the start of each year. I do MISS the pool! I LOVE water, swimming, etc. I told my husband that he has to let me know when the crowd is less so I can go back!

There have been 2 days this past week where I have literally FORGOT to take my pain meds. Let me just say-YAHOO!! I couldn't believe it when I remembered. And, I forgot because I did not have any bone pain until mid-afternoon! YAHOO! I am down to 2 pain pills/day which is great. Before the holiday season, I was taking 3 pills/day and it wasn't taking care of all the pain (most of it though).

I have done some other things that may be helping. I guess we will see. I am working 2 days/week from home. That helps with not being around so many people all the time. Perhaps it gives my body a break. If I continue to feel better, perhaps I will go back to 1 day/week and see how it goes. I really am a people person so I like going to work. Second, I am making sure I get enough sleep. I am also making sure that I do things I love-spend time with family, spend time with friends, read, write, etc. I am also going to try to start knitting again. We'll see how it goes with the hand pain-sometimes after using my hands a lot-the bones/muscles hurt a lot in my hands (happens after typing for hours too).

My throat has been great for days!! YAHOO! And, I woke up with lung pain today-but that is a first in a couple days too. It's gone now.

Well, I guess I just wanted to give you an update. And, let you know that 'Eating well, exercise, and balancing rest/play' does help. I realize that my Neutrophil count is probably low and so I am still careful around those who are ill and around groups of people-but I LOVE feeling good. It hasn't happened for this many days this past year-so I am really GRATEFUL! (And, don't take it for granted).

I wish all of you the best too! I hope you are well and feeling good.
Thanks for reading. Best to you this 2012!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Hi everyone,

I apologize for not posting for some time. I realized I had not done any posts in December and I am sorry about that. Busy..yes. I was ill a couple of times but recovered quickly. I hope that everyone had a great and healthy start to the new year!

I have been feeling rather good the last week. I changed my eating habits and started to eat healthy again-limiting the bad carbs and saturated fats and increasing the fruits and vegetables. I am also making sure I eat plenty of protein and am using the herbs again that the acupuncturist gave me. I am still not eating meat. I was eating this way a while ago-and then got sick and then depressed-and thought, why eat well-it doesn't matter. But, IT DOES! I have continued the exercise, getting enough sleep, washing hands, staying away from those who are sick, etc.

This New Years, I tried to write down some new resolutions and work on a 5 Year plan for my life (I guess they way you should have one :) ). Anyway, it was difficult to write! I have recently lost some dreams I had and I am having trouble coming up with some new ones-so I have left it blank-intentionally-so that I can just figure it out all in due time. I am going to try to keep an open mind and positive outlook. And, just think about what it is I want. In the meantime, I have started a bucket list-and that has been interesting-and fun! I think everyone should have one.

To the person who sent me a message in November. Please accept my apologies. I did not see it until today. I would LOVE to get in touch with you somehow. But, your message does not include any way to get a hold of you. If you write again and leave me your email, I promise to write :) I am thinking about you and hope you are doing well.

To everyone-here's to a great and healthy 2012!
Best wishes,
