
Saturday, September 24, 2011

New Round of Blood results

Hi everyone,

I had my blood checked yesterday. My white blood count is about the same: 2.0 and the Neutrophil count jumped from 0.2 to 0.4. Still in the severe neutropenia range-but at least it went up. Doctor said to keep up protocols: stay away from sick people, wash hands, stay away from large crowds, etc. I will see him if I become ill.

I continue to take the strong vitamins-although I am down to one per day (instead of two per day). I would stay overall that I am feeling better than I did months ago. I still have bone pain and I have resorted back to my pain meds and that does help. I did have a bout of mouth sores-but they are now gone.

However, I have yet to get a fever since the vitamins started. And, I don't have the daily sore throat or lung pain. I have woken up with lung pain-thinking I may have pleurisy or something-but it doesn't last more than a day.

I was also skeptical of the acupuncture. I really didn't know if it would do anything for me. But, the needles no longer hurt when I have it done-and I do feel more energized after having it done. So, perhaps there is something to that! Cool!

I continue to exercise-even on days when I am so tired-and it does help. I can say I feel better on days that I do exercise than other days. I have had to scale back on the running due to the bone pain-but I am going to try to start up again. I have kept up with the swimming and elliptical. I have been using hand weights at home to build strength. But, now that my counts are up some, I want to go back to the gym and use the weight machines-I think lifting weights helps too-makes one feel stronger. That is just based on how I feel-I don't know of any studies :)

I see my doctor again at the end of October for a normal (3-month) routine visit. I assume he will check my blood levels again then. In the mean time, I will keep you posted on the bone pain, any illness, etc due to the neutropenia.

Hope you all stay well. And, thanks again for reading.
Take care,


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14, 2011

Hi there,

Thank you everyone for reading my posts. And, thanks to those who have sent messages-I really do appreciate you writing and your kind thoughts. I hope and pray that you do well too.

I had to resort to my pain meds the last two days. Sad. The pain in my legs was bad yesterday and today, the pain in my arms is bad. They feel very heavy. I tried to tell myself it was all psychological- but it didn't work. The fatigue crept up and I have been so tired the last couple days.

I am trying to stay positive. I know I still have a lot of great things in my life. Life I said before, I was just hoping for more at work-and with the pain, fatigue, and illness (that will come with my low counts), it would be hard to do what I want. But, I don't want to give up yet. So, we'll see what happens with my next set up counts-to be done on 9/23.

Hope you are all doing well. Take care.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blood Counts

Hi everyone,

Here is an update about my blood counts:

I am not a happy girl in regards to my counts-but I am trying to ignore them and realize I am feeling better physically and that is important too!

(But also realize that I have had some bone pain in my legs and arms. I haven't taken any pain meds yet. I was hoping the pain was intermittent and would go away. I am getting sores in my mouth too).

The lab actually ran the numbers twice-they didn't believe them at first! I don't know if that has ever happened. At least I haven't been told they ran them twice.

My WBC was 1.9 (not the best but okay) and my Neutrophil count was 0.2-Not good. My doctor said to try not to get discouraged because physically I was feeling better-which is why I am not being put on rest/isolation. But, also to be on high alert-no handshaking, being around sick people/those coughing, large groups....hello! Ugh! Not the best work week to hear that! Ignorance can be bliss!

I was really hoping things were turning around. I was hoping that the counts would be the same or even a little better....but wasn't expecting worse :( I was hoping I could stop taking it 'moderately' should we say at work-and bust some butt and show people what I'm made of to move up. But, I guess we'll have to see and put that on hold :(

The doctor is checking my counts in 2 weeks again to make sure they don't get worse and bottom out. And, I need to be seen immediately if any sign of illness. yea yea yea.

Thanks for reading.... I will keep you posted on how I am feeling and the counts.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 8, 2011 update

Hi there,

Hope you are all doing well. Just an update for this week.

On Tuesday morning, I went to have acupuncture. At that appointment, I was able to move my hands and feet and not feel the needles! Never done that before. I felt no pain at all. Before this appointment, I would feel little pings of pain (minimal) when I moved-so this was pretty cool. According to the acupuncturist, it meant I was stronger and had more chi. (or is that 'qi'?).

When I was leaving the appointment, the specialist who had the last test done on me, was in his office with the door open. So, I decided at the last minute I would stop and say, "Thanks!" (I did plan to send him a card). Anyway, I stopped and knocked and said I was sorry to bother you and not sure if you remember who I am-but I am Kat XXXXX who had severe neutropenia. He said, oh yes, you had the severe bone pain. Well, I told him I wanted to stop by and say thank you because I still continue to have no fevers, no sore throats, and no bone pain. He asked about the pain management/medication. I smiled, and said, "I haven't taken any pain pills for over a week!" (And I was taking 3 a day!). He was very excited and said he would update my chart and made sure my doctor knew. I said my doctor does know and I am having WBC with differential on Friday to see if they have done anything. He asked me to keep him updated.

So, I have my blood counts done tomorrow morning. I continue to feel well. But, to be honest, I still think that I am going to wake up one day soon and I will have the same fatigue, fevers, pain, sore throats, I had just weeks ago. I realize it has only been 3 weeks of feeling well but I so want to believe that I will feel this way forever! It's like a miracle! But, I also hear the doctors in my head telling me-not too long ago, I might add-that it was going to get worse and worse and to brace myself for less work, more pain, more fatigue, more illness, etc.

I am LOVING the way I feel. It is truly a GIFT and I know that. I thank God every day-and then some. But there is still part of me that feels it will pass. I guess we'll see.

I am curious about my numbers and where they will be. Will they still be low, even though I feel better? or, will they have jumped up a little? And, then, what does that mean? will they stay that way? So many questions no matter what the outcome I guess.

I will definitely keep you all posted. Thanks for reading and for your thoughts. I wish you all the best.


Friday, September 2, 2011

September 2, 2011

Hi there,

I continue to feel great! I cannot believe it myself. I sure hope it lasts.
I have been taking better vitamins for almost a month now. I no longer have sore throats, lung pain, or even daily fevers! I have no bone pain in my legs or arms. I still have mild pain in my hands, similar to mild arthritis I suppose. All of this-with just better vitamins. Makes me angry that they can sell cr@p vitamins to people.

The other day, I was able to swim a mile! A whole mile! I haven't done that in 2 years! And, I haven't taken my pain meds in a couple days. For a couple weeks, I was taking 1/2 pill in the am & 1/2 pill in the pm. Then, cut it down to 1/2 just once a day and now-none! I was taking 3 whole pills each day!

YAHOO!! I am having my blood counts checked next Thursday to see what they have done. I know that this has not taken care of the Neutropenia-but I have had that for 20+ years. It's the last 2 years that have s@cked.

Please try vitamins for a health food store if you have any symptoms of fatigue, bone pain, weakness, etc. It seems to have worked.

Thanks for reading and best of luck to you.
