
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blood Counts

Hi everyone,

Here is an update about my blood counts:

I am not a happy girl in regards to my counts-but I am trying to ignore them and realize I am feeling better physically and that is important too!

(But also realize that I have had some bone pain in my legs and arms. I haven't taken any pain meds yet. I was hoping the pain was intermittent and would go away. I am getting sores in my mouth too).

The lab actually ran the numbers twice-they didn't believe them at first! I don't know if that has ever happened. At least I haven't been told they ran them twice.

My WBC was 1.9 (not the best but okay) and my Neutrophil count was 0.2-Not good. My doctor said to try not to get discouraged because physically I was feeling better-which is why I am not being put on rest/isolation. But, also to be on high alert-no handshaking, being around sick people/those coughing, large groups....hello! Ugh! Not the best work week to hear that! Ignorance can be bliss!

I was really hoping things were turning around. I was hoping that the counts would be the same or even a little better....but wasn't expecting worse :( I was hoping I could stop taking it 'moderately' should we say at work-and bust some butt and show people what I'm made of to move up. But, I guess we'll have to see and put that on hold :(

The doctor is checking my counts in 2 weeks again to make sure they don't get worse and bottom out. And, I need to be seen immediately if any sign of illness. yea yea yea.

Thanks for reading.... I will keep you posted on how I am feeling and the counts.

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