
Friday, August 24, 2012

Sore throats bite

Hi everyone, Thanks for reading my posts. I appreciate it. Just wanted to write and say I'm sorry to those who struggle each day with pain. It doesn't have to be neutropenia; it can be any pain that you live with each day. I have chronic tonsillitis due to my low neutrophil counts. My throat is always sore and is red in the back. Most of the time I am used to it, but this week bites. I have had 5 canker sore-or should I say craters-besides the sore throat. Ugh. I hate those. Bleeding gums too. I hate brushing my teeth when that happens, it's gross. But you have to do it-clean mouth certainly helps the sores heal faster. I was lucky to get some 'Magic Mouthwash' to use, which helped a lot. My bone pain has been steady. It's Friday, so I hope you all have some nice weekend plans-spend time with friends or family, take in a good movie, or sit down with a good book. Take care of yourselves. My thoughts are with you. Kat

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bone pain increasing...

Hi everyone. Been struggling with my daily symptoms lately so, I apologize that I have not written for a couple weeks. Still struggling with daily fevers, sore throats, pain.... And, the pain is worse that is has been-getting worse. Somehow, I feel I can work past it. I do miss going through the day feeling 'normal' and think our brains are fascinating in the way it has us work through hard times and how it becomes your daily reality. Pain meds have helped, but I have had to take more-which I hate. To the individual who wrote me-I hope the acupuncture works well for you. Take care. Please write if you need to chat. Have a good week everyone. Kat