
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Weekly update March 2011

I had acupuncture done for the 3rd time this week. It does feel good during the procedure but, the effects are not lasting long. I am doing my best with pain management: eating well, sleep, exercise, yoga, rest when needed, and heating pad/hot baths-not together of course :)

Last Monday, I had a really good day. My energy level was a 7/8 and it felt wonderful! I miss those days. But, it slowly went back down throughout the week. Today, my bone pain is probably a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10. Although I do have shooting pains that increase the pain-but luckily those don't last more than 30 seconds.

My body feels fairly week today. I don't think I will be able to exericse-but I will try to do some yoga and stretching. If I feel better later, I'll see what I can do. I hate not exercising because I feel better when I do-usually. But, there is also a point where I am too tired/weak to exercise and doing so would cause more issues.

I am still having the daily fevers but they stay in the low grade range. Sore throats occur almost every day-getting to be a fact of life. Ugh! I used to hate the bone pain in my jaw-but the bone pain in my hands is getting worse-and I hate that! Hurts to type/write/etc. I hate both pains! I so wish it was just in my legs and arms like it was before. Makes me sad because I can tell my body is getting weaker and weaker-even though I am trying to stay healthy and get strong. "I am strong" "I am strong".... doesn't always work I guess.

Don't get me wrong, usually I am upbeat and happy. I have it better than a lot of people-and I am thankful for those things every day. I guess one of the great mysteries of life-'Why is thing happening?' may not be answered.

Hope you all have a great weekend. Take care of yourselves.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekend Update

Bone pain has increased this week due to no pain meds. But, think I am managing pretty well.
On Saturday, I swam-but only 22 minutes. I couldn't go any longer, even though I tried to push myself. Later that evening, I did some yoga to help. Today, I worked out on the elliptical and then tried to do strength training-but my legs were like jello.

I did rest throughout both days when I thought I needed it. Big step for me-not used to doing that :)  I try to stretch every day. I also slept good.

Still dealing with the bone pain, low grade fevers, sore throats, fatigue, and sometimes lung pain. My body sometimes feels like it's getting weaker and weaker-which I hate. I hate Neutropenai right now-not that I ever liked it :)

I did get a heating pad this weekend which has helped a little. The heat does minimize the pain in my legs, back, and arms.

Hope you are doing well. Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No Pain Meds & Acupuncture continues

Yesterday, I had to be taken off my pain meds (for bone pain) because it caused gastritis. I have to take Prilosec for 6 weeks to take care of the stomach issues-and cannot take any pain meds during this time. I am worried about the pain. The pain meds didn't get rid of the pain when I was taking them, just diminished them. We'll see how it goes.

Today, I had acupuncture for the second time. I didn't feel the energy like I did the first time. However, I was extremely tired today-like a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10. The Acupuncturist was worried about the pain to come as well and will look into herbs/vitamins that may help.

I feel like I am coming down with something. I have a low grade fever but thinking that's from not taking my pain med (must have been helping the fevers too). I have 4 mouth sores. My throat/lungs hurt. Hopefully it will pass! Get a good night sleep.

Good night and sweet dreams.....  :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Trying Acupuncture

My doctor gave me a referral for acupuncture. And, yesterday was my first session. It felt great. I only felt one of the needles going in the skin and it didn't hurt at all. They inserted about 5 very tiny needles around each ankle and each wrist. Then, I laid in the dark with soothing music for 15 minutes. Very relaxing. Anyway, there were times when I felt energy and warmth moving around my body-that must be something! Even if it's just hope :)

I did have color in my face afterward the acupuncture-I am usually pale. I did feel better for about an hour after the appointment and then the bone pain starting to return. I have 5 more sessions over the next couple months. So, we'll see how it goes.

Have a great day.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bone Pain

Hope everyone is doing well today. Just wanted to post about bone pain. I know that others with neutropenia struggle with bone pain as well so, I thought I would write about my experience.

I have bone pain every day. Some days are better than others. Usually, the pain is between 4-7 on the 1-10 pain scale. (9 was the birth of one of my children-hard birth; I figure 10 is something I have never felt before). The pain is deep and usually affects the legs and arms. Lately, it has started in the ribs, jaw, and hands/fingers. Sometimes the bone pain is severe and feels like shooting electricity down my leg or arm.

The things that have helped the pain includes exercise, yoga, heat, and pain meds. I take a prescription Naproxen which does take the pain down a couple points to 3-5, but does not eliminate it. Exercise does make the pain feel better-perhaps moving the body around makes it better. Yoga and stretching are good too.

There are days that the bone pain makes me so fatigued/tired that it can make it very difficult to work an 8 hour day. My employer is great however and allows me to work from home once or twice a week.

Do others with Neutropenia struggle from bone pain? What does it feel like? Are there things you do to help minimize the pain?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Long over-due Update

Hello! I cannot believe it's been over 8 months since my last post. A lot has happened since I last blogged. My bone pain and fatigue has not gotten any better. I have decreased my work load and have been trying to relax-at least learn to!
My Neutrophil count has been staying between 0.2-0.5 but usally stays aroun 0.3. Unfortunately, Neupogen (injection) only works for a day or two-bringing my counts up to normal-and then back down again. Frustrating!
I am taking a pain med that does minimize the bone pain, but does not eliminate it.
I do get frustrated with the every day symptoms that come and go: sore throats, mouth sores, lung pain, UTIs, skin cytsts, and lung pain. It usually feels like I'm about to get ill-almost every day. I do wish there was more that could be done.
I try to get enough sleep, eat well, exercise moderately, take hot baths a couple times a week, do some yoga/stretching, and take vitamins.
Is there anything that helps you? Good health to each of you.

Good night,