
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bone Pain

Hi everyone. Hope you are all doing well. Just wanted to send an update. This fall, it has been hard to keep up on managing bone pain. I've been taking pain meds but still have been having bone pain. The past two days, I've had the excruciating shooting bone in my legs-and it was very painful. Not sure what its from. Just trying to get through the days dealing with that. No significant infection that I know of-just 'normal' sore throat. Hopefully, it will stop soon. Still keeping up with vitamins, exercise(moderate-so that's not causing more pain), and sleep. Hope you have a great week! Thanks for reading! Kat

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Foods & Neutropenia

Hi everyone. Thanks again for reading this blog. Someone wrote to me and asked about any foods that you need to stay away from with neutropenia, or low neutrophil counts. Please note-I'm not a doctor, just an individual who struggles with the effects of neutropenia. My doctor and I have felt that I can eat almost anything-the only thing I stay away from are sprouts. I make sure I wash fruit and vegetables well. In addition, when my counts are lower, I tend to stay away from salad bars at restaurants. However, when my counts are really low, I tend to eat pretty bland foods anyway since my stomach is not always 100%. I do know that others have restrictions that they follow in regards to food selections. Please follow what your physician wants for you to stay healthy. Sorry if this doesn't help much. Just want what is best for everyone. Take care. Kat

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October update

Hi everyone. Thank you so much for reading my blog. There was a huge spike in the last 24 hours, but cannot figure out why? But, hope it's helping those that are reading. I have been ok. I was on antibiotics for an infection. Throat was worse than normal but, not strep. Bone pain has been worse this week. Doc tried alternating pain meds with ibuprofen but, didn't work. Stomach cannot handle the ibuprofen. Discouraging. But I try to keep living positively. Still here, and that's awesome. I wanted to make a call out to Susan! I hope the acupuncture is working for you. I'm sorry I didn't see your message before. And, to anonymous-good luck dealing with the bone pain. It sucks. And most people do not understand what it's like. Please feel free to shoot me a message any time. I get it. Have a great night everyone. Take care of yourselves. Kat