
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Eating Well....Exercise.....Energy...

Hello again everyone,

Hope your 2012 is off to a good start.

I totally made up the 3 E's as I wrote this! he he!
I have continued to feel well. I have started logging the food I eat this year to make sure that I am within the limits of fiber and saturated fat (my cholesterol was a little high, so just watching what I eat). I have cut way down on cheese. :( I love cheese-but wow, it does have a lot of saturated fat in it. And, with all the fruits and vegetables I have been eating every day & the good grains-I surpass the daily recommended fiber. So, that's good! Trying to eliminate most of the bad starches and limit sugar. With doing all those things-my calorie intake and percentages of fat, carbs, and protein has been good! (protein could be a little higher-but I try!) Hard to do when you are a vegetarian. I have a protein shake almost daily-that's where I had the powdered herbs. And, I am learning to make more recipes with beans and lentils! So many good recipes out there!

I have continued exercising. I am using the elliptical probably 3-4 times a week and also doing some exercise on our xbox (Your Shape). It really works your muscles and gives you a great workout. I have stayed away from the gym for a couple weeks due to the increase in the number of people that go at the start of each year. I do MISS the pool! I LOVE water, swimming, etc. I told my husband that he has to let me know when the crowd is less so I can go back!

There have been 2 days this past week where I have literally FORGOT to take my pain meds. Let me just say-YAHOO!! I couldn't believe it when I remembered. And, I forgot because I did not have any bone pain until mid-afternoon! YAHOO! I am down to 2 pain pills/day which is great. Before the holiday season, I was taking 3 pills/day and it wasn't taking care of all the pain (most of it though).

I have done some other things that may be helping. I guess we will see. I am working 2 days/week from home. That helps with not being around so many people all the time. Perhaps it gives my body a break. If I continue to feel better, perhaps I will go back to 1 day/week and see how it goes. I really am a people person so I like going to work. Second, I am making sure I get enough sleep. I am also making sure that I do things I love-spend time with family, spend time with friends, read, write, etc. I am also going to try to start knitting again. We'll see how it goes with the hand pain-sometimes after using my hands a lot-the bones/muscles hurt a lot in my hands (happens after typing for hours too).

My throat has been great for days!! YAHOO! And, I woke up with lung pain today-but that is a first in a couple days too. It's gone now.

Well, I guess I just wanted to give you an update. And, let you know that 'Eating well, exercise, and balancing rest/play' does help. I realize that my Neutrophil count is probably low and so I am still careful around those who are ill and around groups of people-but I LOVE feeling good. It hasn't happened for this many days this past year-so I am really GRATEFUL! (And, don't take it for granted).

I wish all of you the best too! I hope you are well and feeling good.
Thanks for reading. Best to you this 2012!


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